Saturday, 24 August 2013

Wired Race!

Have you got what it takes to beat the timer and claim the wired race winner badge? You have 2 minutes to get from one end of the maze to the other. 6 obstacles, 2 minutes. Sounds simple, huh?

Okay, let's get started..

First off you got the dreaded Banzai. The easiest way to do this is just click the red mat until you actually end up on the mat.. quite simple really. Even though the Banzai is just about luck!

Next up is the flowers. To pass these you've got to stand on the free freeze tile, just spam click the tile and eventually you'll stand on it. Just keep spam clicking each row until you reach the red mats. Warning, you won't get through if you spam click the red mat only, [It won't work!]

You now have to face the red tiles! Luckily, they move at a respectable pace, so you can actually pass them. The easiest way to pass these, is to not stand on them! [The last tile isn't wired, so you're safe there!]

The rollers! Here you just have to walk across the rollers, but you can only walk when the water is down. So you gotta be quick! Make your way to the one way gate AVOIDING red tiles, as they will send you back to the previous obstacle! So make sure your timing is right!

More red tiles, yay! These are pretty easy as they move slower. Just avoid the tiles and make your way to the red mats, simple! 

Lastly, you face the evil ducks! You need to be pretty quick here, but don't move too fast, or the ducks will eat you and send you back! To pass this, just avoid the front of the ducks! They can't hurt you if you're several spaces away! ;)

Good Luck!
Oh, the lovely Mr.L.Darragh has found a sneaky way to cheat.. Just stand on the rollers at the last second and you won't be teleported back to the start! Pretty clever, aye! You can have the extra 2 minutes then to finish the maze!
Have fun, and happy badge collecting! ;) 

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