- It was on the 16th January 2001 that the Habbo UK public beta was released.
[Ensure you copy and paste the full sentence above. Including the [.]]
- On the 29th August 2001: The hotel limit was upgraded from a cap of 750 to 2,000, this was due to a strain on the MAGENTA servers.
- 28th May 2002: The Throne, Holopod and Samovar were given out as gifts from ione.
- There are 11 language versions of Habbo
- Average visit: 41 minutes / session The most popular rare ever to be released was the Speakers Corner.
- The first account is often thought to be Aapo, however Aapo2 was made a day before "Aapo" on Habbo FI, making it the oldest Habbo account in the world (there were older ones which have since been deleted).
- Retiisi of Habbo Finland came up with the name Habbo (he is a Sulake staff member)
- Habbo Sweden were the first hotel to release the throne into the catalogue, at just 25 credits
- In October 2002, Access to the beta client allowed the public to test the "Wave" command, the ability to wave in both public and private rooms was later implemented.
how many fansites does habbo have?