Sunday, 24 February 2013

Dead Duckets?

When Duckets were found in the Habbo external texts [Some coding used by Habbo], there was much speculation. The codes revealed that Duckets were a replacement for pixels and would be used to rent furni, buy effects and as a reward for completing the citizenship track. The main way of drawing in Duckets is by simply logging in once a day!

The release of Duckets also brought the release of a new range of furni, which for once was very positively met! This was briefly covered in our post from a few days ago, which you can see here!

Unfortunately, for us older Habbos,  we can't get Duckets from the citizenship track, however, it is good that they implemented this, as it gives new Habbos a way of getting their first furni.

What do you think of Duckets, will they die off like pixels?

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