A very busy past few days it's been, many new features, of course including the, unfortunatly very limited programmable bots.
An idea that I mentioned on Twitter, to Paul, on around the 9th October. I wasn't the first to think of this ofcourse, I was one of very many, however, I was the one who tweeted Paul, a tweet he replied to. The tweet is below, also being a reply of a uservoice post Ossdoov had posted after yet another Twitter conversation carried out only a few days earlier. The uservoice post doesn't mention anything about programming keywords, yet does mention being able to input what they say back. He only later mentions, in a comment, about the ability to program them, aswell as posting a plagurised copyrighted picture, owned by myself. The mockup design actually took quite some time to make, since I'm not the best with photoshop. You can see in the pictures below he actually took off the website and my Twitter name.
I wouldn't have actually minded, and would've forgotten about it if he hadn't have been, quite frankly, an idiot about it, he hasn't apologised, and has instead swore at me, and suggested that Sulake gives us both something. It's such a small thing, and is seemingly pointless to care about, but it's the way Ossdoov treated it. He then resorted to saying that I had broke some sort of copyright, and deleted me off of Habbo before I could ask which copyright I had infringed on.
I am awaiting an apology, and for the content to be erased, otherwise I will contact the DMCA.
@paullafo @ossdoov_habbo Thanks Paul ;] May I suggest adding programmable bots, that can be programmed with Keywords and then Responses.
— Habbo Patrol - Luke (@HabboMLD) October 9, 2012
@habbomld We both took a part of it , so habbo should give both of us something .Or else we will sue them (jkng)
— ossdoov_Habbo (@ossdoov_habbo) November 8, 2012
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