A new 'vip hopper' has been spotted in habbo! A hopper is mainly used for jumping room to room without having to click the navigation icon.
Most hoppers in the past have been released, but have not been very successful. Yet, another hopper is to be released. It is only restricted to VIP members only, after studying the codes..
Here's a sneak peek:
Will you use the new hopper?
-Until next time,
Au revoir!
Most hoppers in the past have been released, but have not been very successful. Yet, another hopper is to be released. It is only restricted to VIP members only, after studying the codes..
Here's a sneak peek:
Will you use the new hopper?
-Until next time,
Au revoir!
I wonder if it is a furni room hopper, or like a button that hops rooms.. Room hoppers aren't too popular so I couldn't see why they would make YET another room hopper furni ;/