Monday, 2 July 2012

Marketplace Exposed!

The marketplace. Where I earn the majority of my profits. Some might not like it, as most of the time, you can get what you want from a shop, for much less. Although, you're paying for not searching, then theres the Exchange tax and of course the 1c MP tax. Which amounts to alot lost for the seller. 

Say I brought a doric pillar for 11c, I would have to sell it for at least, 12c [ 13c + Tax ] to make profit. So 13c minus the 1c for Exchange fees = 12c, 1c profit. However, it is unlikely someone will buy a Doric Pillar for 12c, you can get them for 10c per, or even less in shops. You've got to take into account that you're getting it on the spot, with no searching.

Then you've got when people rig the average in the MP. If someone gets on two accounts and buys and sells the same furni for a high price, they will put the average up. This makes it easier to sell the furni for a higher price.

You've also got the fact that if someone buys a Doric Pillar for 12c, they would want to sell it for 13c+. This means, if they sell it in the marketplace, they would have to sell it for 15c. This cycle continues until the price is too high, at which point no one will buy the furni from the MP anymore.

The MP is also good for the 'seller'. The listing is kept up, even when the seller logs off, which means they can sell stuff, without even being there.

The Marketplace is an unusual place, but can be good for profits. If you haven't sold anything in it yet, give it a try!

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