Habbo is not only home to many places to hang out with people the same age, but it is also somewhere, where you can gain skills needed for future life. Habbo Businesses help you accomplish just that.
They are much like real businesses, most of the time modelled off real ones. They usually feature jobs that are much like the real counterpart, for instance, at my favourite business, the Habbo White House[WH]. There is 4 branches, like the real WH, Cabinet, Legislation, Secret Service and Judicial.
My favourite of the 4 has to be Judicial, as it takes a long time and a lot of effort to get to the highest rank, Chief Justice. Habbo businesses, employ ranking systems, meaning that you have to be respectful to your superiors, much like real life.
They can be fun, and help prepare you for your first job. Although your going to have to work much harder to get to Chief Justice in real life. It is a great past time, and can help you get many friends on Habbo. It is a little known fact that I have ran many of my own businesses, my first being "Palm Springs Resort" many years ago.
To check out my favourite business, The White House, search for "Owner:Financier" Within the hotel navigator.
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