Saturday, 30 June 2012

Football Boosting

You can easily make your own Football boosting room. Here's a tutorial on how to create a one goal room.

You will need: 

  • A goal
  • A banzai puck/Football [Banzai is cheaper. Same results]
  • A roller
  • User walks OFF furni [Wired]
  • Teleport to Furni [Wired]
  • Match furni to position and state [Wired]
  • Repeat Effect [Wired]

How to set it up: 

Set up your Main boosting section as shown in the picture. Put the puck 1 block away from the opening of the goal, then the roller directly behind it, rotated to face the goal and puck. You can use a ball instead of a puck, but it is more expensive.

The Wired:

Teleport to furni: Set this up to the roller
User walks OFF furni: Also set this up to the roller

Match furni to position and state: To the puck, select it to match current position, which will be one block infront of roller
Repeat effect: Drag the slider down to 0.5 seconds

Stack the Teleport to furni and User walks OFF furni on top of each other
Stack the Match furni position and state and Repeat effect on top of each other.

How to use it:
Simply walk onto the roller, making sure to face the goal! If you face away from the goal, it will not work.
If this booster is for your personal use, you will want to block it off, so no one else can step on the roller while you're on it. As this halves your productivity.

That was easy!

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